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Data Structure for Mirror Balance

SPMS-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This document contains the Balance Collection (MongoDB) definition. We could see java objects and JSON schema for MongoDB.

Version Control


Major Changes



  • Initial Data Structure


  • Se quitan los campos que se definieron como no usables para la colección de Balance


Fiserv- Endpoint List

  • /accounts/balance

  • /account/FL-balance

Account Balance Endpoint

  • Fiserv endpoint: /accounts/balance

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: getAccountBalance

Request DTO properties

  protected String organizationNumber = "950";

  protected String accountNumber;

Responses DTO

public class AccountBalanceResponseDTO {

    private String accountOrCardNumber;

    private Double currentBalance;

    private Double availableCreditLimit;

    private Double frozenBalance;


FL-Balance Endpoint

  • Fiserv ednpoint: /account/FL-balance

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: transferBalanceFL

Request DTO

package com.spin.banking.common.fiserv.request;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.spin.banking.common.domain.FalconIdentifier;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

public class TransactionDataFLDTO {

    private Long transactionAmount;

    private String actionCode;

    private String authorizationCode;

    private String effectiveDate;

    private String description;

    private String paidConcept;

    private String memoPostedIndicator;

    private String suppressMonetaryTransaction;

    private String n1n2ByPass;

    private FalconIdentifier identifier;

    private String box;

    private String crPlaza;

    private String crStore;

    private String keyTracking;

    private String beneficiaryAccount;

    private String senderAccount;

    private String counterpartInstitution;

    private String operatingInstitution;

    private String frcUprkBeneficiary;

    private String orderingFrcUprk;

    private String device;

    private String ip;

    private Double latitude;

    private Double longitude;

    private String recipientName;

    private String orderingName;

    private String paymentSourceId;


Response DTO

public class BalanceTransferResponseDTO {

    private String historyDate;

    private String historyTime;

    private BalanceTransferDetailsResponseDTO transactionData;


Target (MongoDB)

  • Collection Name: balances

  • Schema:

      validator: {
        $jsonSchema: {
          bsonType: "object",
          description: "Balance Object Collection",
          required: [
          properties: {
            "accountNumber": {
              bsonType: "string",
              description: "account Number must be a string and is required"
            "currentBalance": {
              bsonType: "double",
              description: "current balance must be a number"
            "availableCreditLimit": {
              bsonType: "double",
              description: "available credit limit must be a number and is required"
            "openToBuy": {
              bsonType: "long",
              description: "open to Buy must be a long number and is required"

Target (Java)

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations.BsonProperty;

@Document(collection = "balances")
public class Balance {
  private ObjectId id;
  private Double availableCreditLimit;
  private Double currentBalance;
  @NotNull(message="account or card number is mandatory")
  private String accountOrCardNumber;

Data Structure for Account Mirror

SPMS-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This section presents the Fiserv endpoints of the Account domain and proposes the MongoDB data structure for Mirror Account based on the corresponding request/response.

Version control


Major Changes



  • Initial data structure


  • Deleted endpoints

  • Fields deleted for account details


  • Deleted endpoints

  • Document restructuring

  • New blocksBy field

For more details on the changes made, please refer to the changelog file.


Fiserv - Account endpoint list


Account Details


  • Fiserv endpoint: GET /account/details

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: getAccountDetails


public class AccountDetailsResponseDTO {

    private AccountDataDTO accountData; 
public class AccountDataDTO {

    private String accountNumber;

    private String customerNumber;

    private String blockCode1;

    private String blockCode1Date;

    private String blockCode2;

    private String blockCode2Date;

    private String accountMakerDateOfBirth;

    //this comes in pesos
    private Double availableCredit;

    //daily posted average balance
    private Double userAmounts9;

    //daily memo average balance
    private Double userAmounts10;

    //Total current memo balance
    private Double userAmounts7;

    public Double getAvailableCredit() {
      return availableCredit * 100;

    public Double getUserAmounts9() {
      return userAmounts9 * 100;

    public Double getUserAmounts7() {
      return userAmounts7 * 100;

    public Double getUserAmounts10() {
      return userAmounts10 * 100;


public class AccountDetailsRequestDTO {
    private String organizationNumber;
    private String accountNumber;

Account Block Code


  • Fiserv endpoint: POST /account/block-code

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: setAccountBlockCode


public class AccountBlockUnblockResponseDTO {

  private String functionCode;

  private String accountNumber;

  private String blockCode1Local;

  private Integer localOrganization;


public class AccountBlockUnblockRequestDTO extends AbstractAccountFiservBaseRequest {

  private String blockCode;

  private Integer blockCodeIndicator;

  private Integer foreignUse;

  private String functionCode;
public abstract class AbstractAccountFiservBaseRequest extends AbstractFiservBaseRequest {

  protected String accountNumber;
public abstract class AbstractFiservBaseRequest {

  protected String organizationNumber = "950";

Target MongoDB Account Mirror

  • Collection name: accountDetails

  • Schema:

      db.createCollection("accountDetails", {
      	validator: {
      		$jsonSchema: {
      			bsonType: "object",
      			title: "Account Details Object Validation",
      			required: ["accountNumber"],
      			properties: {
      				accountNumber: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'accountNumber' must be a string and is required"
      				customerNumber: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'customerNumber' must be a string"
      				blockCode1: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'blockCode1' must be a string"
      				blockCode1Date: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'blockCode1Date' must be a string"
      				blockCode2: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'blockCode2' must be a string"
      				blockCode2Date: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'blockCode2Date' must be a string"
      				blocksBy: {
      					bsonType: "string",
      					description: "'blocksBy' must be a string"
  • Index

    db.accountDetails.createIndex({accountNumber: 1});

Target Java Account Mirror

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

@Document(collection = "accountDetails")
public class AccountDetail {

   private String id;
   @NotNull(message="account number is mandatory")
   private String accountNumber;

   private String customerNumber;

   private String blockCode1;

   private String blockCode1Date;

   private String blockCode2;

   private String blockCode2Date;

   private String blocksBy;

Data Structure for Card Mirror

SPMS-71 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Fiserv - Card endpoint list:

  • Create a Card POST /cards/embosser [Mirror - Gateway]

  • Get card information POST /cards/embosser/details [Mirror - Gateway]

  • Link Card PATCH /cards/account [Gateway]

  • Get account by card number POST /cards/account [Mirror]

  • Card Activation PUT /cards/activation [Gateway]

  • Block Card PUT /cards/embosser/block [Mirror - Gateway]

  • Block/Unblock (pin) PUT /cards/pin/status [Equipo de Spin]

  • Update Card Pin PUT /cards/pin [Equipo de Spin]

  • Get Security Code Detail POST /cards/pin/security-codes [Equipo de Spin]

  • Invalid Attemps POST /cards/pin/invalid-attemps [Unavailable]

  • Get Credit Card Info POST /cards/embosser/card-pan [Unavailable]

Create a Card


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/embosser

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: createCard


public class CardRequestDTO { 

    private String addressLine1; 

    private String addressLine2; 

    private AssignedSpendingLimitsDTO assignedSpendingLimits; 

    private int atmCashAmount; 

    private int atmCashNumber; 

    private int atmCashSingleTransactionLimit; 

    private String authorizationCriteriaTableNumber; 

    private String authorizationSpendingLimitTable; 

    private String blockCode; 

    private int branchNumber; 

    private int cardAction; 

    private String cardActionReasonCode; 

    private int cardDelayDays; 

    private String cardNumber; 

    private int cardSequence; 

    private String cardholderAffiliationGroupId; 

    private String cardholderFlag; 

    private String city; 

    private String currentCardActivation; 

    private String customerNumber; 

    private int deliveryOption; 

    private String deviceIndicator; 

    private String embossedName1; 

    private String embossedName2; 

    private String enrollmentStatusVBV; 

    private String expirationDate; 

    private int firstIssueBranch; 

    private int internetPurchaseAmount; 

    private int internetPurchaseNumber; 

    private int internetPurchaseSingleTransactionLimit; 

    private String languageCode; 

    private int maximumAuthorizationFrequency; 

    private String name1; 

    private int name1TypeIndicator; 

    private String name2; 

    private int name2TypeIndicator; 

    private String nextCardExpirationDate; 

    private int numberOfCardsRequested; 

    private int organizationNumber; 

    private int overTheCounterCashAmount; 

    private int overTheCounterCashNumber; 

    private int overTheCounterCashSingleTransactionLimit; 

    private int pinMailerDelayDays; 

    private int pinOffset; 

    private int pinSuppression; 

    private String plasticId; 

    private int posServiceCode; 

    private String postToAccount; 

    private int postalCode; 

    private int processType; 

    private int programId; 

    private int reissueDeliveryOption; 

    private String requestedCardType; 

    private int retailPurchaseAmt; 

    private int retailPurchaseNumber; 

    private int retailPurchaseSingleTransactionLimit; 

    private int securedCodeActivate; 

    private String stateOrProvince; 

    private String typeCardMailer; 

    private String typeOfCard; 

    private int user1; 

    private int user2; 

    private int user3; 

    private int user4; 

    private int user5; 

    private int user6; 

    private int user7; 

    private int user8; 

    private String userDate1; 

    private String userDate2; 

    private String vbvPassword; 

    private String visaMiniIndicator; 

    private String visaPlusIndicator; 



public class AddCardResponseDTO { 

    private String panToken; 


Create a Card


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/embosser/details

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: getAccountByPanToken


public class AccountByPanTokenRequestDTO {

    private String cardNumber;

    private Integer cardSequence;

    private Integer foreignUse;

    private String organizationNumber;



public class AccountByPanTokenResponseDTO {

    private String postToAccount;

    private String blockCode;

    private String cardNumber;

    private String currentCardActivation;

    private String dateBlock;


Link Card


  • Fiserv endpoint: /account/prepaid

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: linkCardToAccount


public class CardToAccountLinkingRequestDTO { 

    private String cardNumber; 

    private Integer cardholderType; 

    private String customerOrAccountNumber; 



public class CardToAccountLinkingResponseDTO { 

    private String cardNumber; 

    private String customerOrAccountNumber; 


Card Activation


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/activation

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: activateCard


public class CardActivationRequestDTO {
  @NotNull(message = "userId is required") 
  private String userId; 

  @NotNull(message = "panToken is required") 
  @Size(min = 12, max = 19, message = "panToken length must be between 12 and 19") 
  private String panToken; 
  @NotNull(message = "cardNumber is required") 
  @Size(min = 12, max = 19, message = "cardNumber length must be between 12 and 19") 
  private String cardNumber; 
  private OxxoStoreDTO oxxoStoreDTO; 

public class OxxoStoreDTO {
  @NotBlank private String id;
  @NotBlank private String place;
  @NotBlank private String store;
  private String storeName;
  private String stateName;
  private String oxxoStoreStateCode;
  private String colony;
  private String municipality;
  private String city;
  private Integer postalCode;
  @Min(value = -90)
  @Max(value = 90)
  private Double latitud;
  @Min(value = -180)
  @Max(value = 180)
  private Double longitud;
  private Integer affiliationNumber;


public class CardActivationResponseDTO {
  private String cardNumber; 

Block Activation


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/embosser/block

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: blockCard


public class CardBlockingRequestDTO { 
  @NotBlank(message = "userId is Required") 
  private String userId; 

  @NotNull(message = "blockingReason is required") 
  private BlockingReason blockingReason; 

public enum BlockingReason {
  FROZEN("A", true),
  FRAUD("F", true),

  private String fiservBlockCode;
  private boolean unblockable;

  BlockingReason(String fiservBlockCode) {
      this(fiservBlockCode, false);

  public static BlockingReason resolveFromFiservCode(String fiservCode){
    return -> blockingReason.fiservBlockCode.equals(fiservCode)).findAny().orElse(null);


public class CardBlockingResponseDTO {
  private String name;



  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/pin/status

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: activateCard


public class FiservCardPinBlockUnblockRequestDTO {
  private String cardNumber;
  private Integer cardSequenceNumber;
  private String channel;
  private Integer organizationNumber;
  private String serviceFunctionCode;


public class FiservCardPinBlockUnblockResponseDTO {
  private String cardNumber;
  private Integer cardSequenceNumber;



  • Fiserv endpoint: /account/balance/details


public class AccountByCardNumberRequestDTO {
  private String cardNumber;


public class AccountByCardNumberResponseDTO {
  protected String accountNumber;

Update Card Pin


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/pin

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: activateCard


public class FiservCardPinUpdateRequestDTO {
  private String cardNumber;
  private String channel;
  private String keyAssociationNumber;
  private String newPinBlock;
  private Integer organizationNumber;


public class FiservCardPinUpdateResponseDTO {
  private String cardNumber;

Get Security Code Detail


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/pin/security-codes

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: activateCard


public class SecurityCodeDetailsRequestDTO extends AbstractFiservBaseRequest {
    private String cardNumber;
    private String channel;
    private String keyAssociation;


public class SecurityCodeDetailsResponseDTO {
    private String pinEncrypt;

Invalid Attemps


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/pin/invalid-attemps

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: activateCard


public class PinInvalidAttemptsRequestDTO {
    private String cardNumber;
    private int cardSequenceNumber;


public class PinInvalidAttemptsResponseDTO {
  private PinInvalidAttemptsOutputAreaDTO outputArea;

public class PinInvalidAttemptsOutputAreaDTO {
  private String cardNumber;
  private int cardSequenceNumber;
  private int cardInvalidPinTries;
  private String cardInvalidPinTryDate;
  private int maxNumberInvalidPinTries;
  private String exceededInvalidPinTries;
  private String blockedIndicator;

Get Credit Card Info


  • Fiserv endpoint: /cards/embosser/card-pan

  • Class: FiservRepository

  • Service: activateCard


public class FiservCardRequestDTO extends AbstractFiservBaseRequest {
  private Integer cardSequence;
  private String functionType;
  private String cardNumber;

  public enum FunctionType {
    private String type;
    FunctionType(String type) {
      this.type = type;

    public String getValue() {
      return type;


public class FiservCardResponseDTO {
    private Integer organizationNumber;
    private Integer logo;
    private String cardNumber;
    private String accountNumber;
    private Integer cardSequence;
    private String panToken;

Target (MongoDB Schema)

  • Collection Name: cards


validator: {
  $jsonSchema: {
    bsonType: "object",
    description: "Card object collection",
    required: [],
    properties: {
      "addressLine1": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "addressLine1"
      "addressLine2": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "addressLine2"
      "atmCashAmount": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "atmCashAmount"
      "atmCashNumber": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "atmCashNumber"
      "atmCashSingleTransactionLimit": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "atmCashSingleTransactionLimit"
      "authorizationCriteriaTableNumber": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "authorizationCriteriaTableNumber"
      "authorizationSpendingLimitTable": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "authorizationSpendingLimitTable"
      "blockCode": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "blockCode"
      "branchNumber": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "branchNumber"
      "cardAction": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "cardAction"
      "cardActionReasonCode": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "cardActionReasonCode"
      "cardDelayDays": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "cardDelayDays"
      "cardNumber": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "cardNumber"
      "cardSequence": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "cardSequence"
      "cardholderAffiliationGroupId": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "cardholderAffiliationGroupId"
      "cardholderFlag": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "cardholderFlag"
      "city": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "city"
      "currentCardActivation": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "currentCardActivation"
      "customerNumber": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "customerNumber"
      "deliveryOption": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "deliveryOption"
      "deviceIndicator": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "deviceIndicator"
      "embossedName1": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "embossedName1"
      "embossedName2": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "embossedName2"
      "enrollmentStatusVBV": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "enrollmentStatusVBV"
      "expirationDate": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "expirationDate"
      "firstIssueBranch": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "firstIssueBranch"
      "internetPurchaseAmount": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "internetPurchaseAmount"
      "internetPurchaseNumber": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "internetPurchaseNumber"
      "internetPurchaseSingleTransactionLimit": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "internetPurchaseSingleTransactionLimit"
      "languageCode": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "languageCode"
      "maximumAuthorizationFrequency": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "maximumAuthorizationFrequency"
      "name1": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "name1"
      "name1TypeIndicator": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "name1TypeIndicator"
      "name2": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "name2"
      "name2TypeIndicator": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "name2TypeIndicator"
      "nextCardExpirationDate": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "nextCardExpirationDate"
      "numberOfCardsRequested": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "numberOfCardsRequested"
      "organizationNumber": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "organizationNumber"
      "overTheCounterCashAmount": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "overTheCounterCashAmount"
      "overTheCounterCashNumber": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "overTheCounterCashNumber"
      "overTheCounterCashSingleTransactionLimit": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "overTheCounterCashSingleTransactionLimit"
      "pinMailerDelayDays": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "pinMailerDelayDays"
      "pinOffset": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "pinOffset"
      "pinSuppression": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "pinSuppression"
      "plasticId": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "plasticId"
      "posServiceCode": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "posServiceCode"
      "postToAccount": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "postToAccount"
      "postalCode": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "postalCode"
      "processType": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "processType"
      "programId": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "programId"
      "reissueDeliveryOption": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "reissueDeliveryOption"
      "requestedCardType": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "requestedCardType"
      "retailPurchaseAmt": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "retailPurchaseAmt"
      "retailPurchaseNumber": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "retailPurchaseNumber"
      "retailPurchaseSingleTransactionLimit": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "retailPurchaseSingleTransactionLimit"
      "securedCodeActivate": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "securedCodeActivate"
      "stateOrProvince": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "stateOrProvince"
      "typeCardMailer": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "typeCardMailer"
      "typeOfCard": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "typeOfCard"
      "user1": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user1"
      "user2": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user2"
      "user3": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user3"
      "user4": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user4"
      "user5": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user5"
      "user6": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user6"
      "user7": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user7"
      "user8": {
        bsonType: "int",
        description: "user8"
      "userDate1": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "userDate1"
      "userDate2": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "userDate2"
      "vbvPassword": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "vbvPassword"
      "visaMiniIndicator": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "visaMiniIndicator"
      "visaPlusIndicator": {
        bsonType: "string",
        description: "visaPlusIndicator"
      },      }